Hijrah vs dunya
which will you choose?
We support Muslims in making Hijrah for the sake of Allah, in an era when even disbelievers leave their failed systems for Islamic lands. Don't let the Dunya prevent you from emigrating in Allah's vast earth.
An Islamic Solution
Why Hijrah?
There is plenty of evidence from the Quran & Sunnah to support the concept of Hijrah. This is a real solution in Islam which can help rectify personal, familial, and communal affairs. Dive into the discussion below.

spoilt for choice
Which country?
With around 50 different countries in the Muslim world, spanning almost half of the globe, you're not short on options. However, we do have our top picks and you will surely prefer some depending on your circumstances.
Come see it for yourself
Enough information. Now you need to check them out. Book onto one of our Hijrah Holidays to get a feel for the Muslim land you're interested in. We'll show you A-Z, so you can hit the ground running when you land.Tap on the country image below to explore that destination with us!
• Hijrah Guide: Local area guide from a Hijrah-first perspective; considering housing, mosques, schools, community and much more.
• Full Transport: To and from locations included on trip, back to start or agreed meeting point.
• Paid Expenses: Related to itinerary-inclusive items, including tolls, taxes, fuel and food.
• Connecting you with locals: Language-confident hosts and recommended service-providers; to help find accommodation, obtain Visa/residency, business/job setup etc.
• Hijrah guide e-Book: Tour-country-specific document for your long term reference. It will include a detailed country overview, positives and negatives, relocation rules & permit details.
• MUCH MORE: Trip-specific, as per availability.
O My servants who believe
"surely, My earth is vast"
So, Me alone you must worship. - Allah commands us in the Quran, 29:56.
These are just 3 of the country packages which we currently have on offer, but Allah has created so many options for us. Register your interest below so we can see which countries you want to explore for Hijrah.
What is stopping you?
the dunya dilemma
Hijrah is a Sunnah solution prescribed by Allah, achievable with intention and effort - don’t let loving Dunya or stressing over it hold you back.

Your personal situation
is it really for "me"?
We invite you to be part of our larger Hijrah Vs Dunya community on Telegram, where we can assess and brainstorm about how Hijrah can work for you. Let’s discuss those individual circumstances and concerns to support each other in this noble cause.
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If you have something to ask or share, contact us using the form below, we will also add you to our mailing list if you wish. If you have/are a business in the Muslim lands or would like to work with us, you can use this too.
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• What is the definition of Hijrah in Islam, and is it obligatory for Muslims in non-Muslim countries?
Hijrah refers to migrating from a land where a Muslim cannot freely practice their religion to a place where they can observe Islamic obligations without hindrance. Hijrah becomes obligatory if a Muslim is unable to practice Islam openly and is subjected to oppression. However, if one can practice their religion without fear of persecution, Hijrah is not obligatory.• Who should do Hijrah?
Everyone who is living amongst non-Muslims or in a land without a government of Muslims should make the intention of Hijrah, and strive to act towards it. It will allow you to protect your religion and that of your family’s and keep you away from the harms and impermissiblilites which are common amongst the non-Muslims.• Is Hijrah obligatory?
We have summarised much of it below but watch this lecture to find out the details. In short, we believe yes, and if you can’t do it for some valid reason then you may be part of the exceptions who are excused by Allah. For the rest of the Muslims, in this current state of affairs in non-Muslim lands, Hijrah must be done to preserve their Deen.• What evidence from the Quran supports the obligation of Hijrah, and are there exceptions?
Allah says in Surah An-Nisā’ (4:97):
"Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves – [the angels] will say, 'In what [condition] were you?' They will say, 'We were oppressed in the land.' The angels will say, 'Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?' For those, their refuge is Hell – and evil it is as a destination."This verse indicates that when Muslims are oppressed and unable to practice their faith, they are obligated to migrate to a place where they can worship freely. However, exceptions to this obligation include:
* Those who are genuinely unable to migrate due to physical incapacity or coercion.
* Women, children, the elderly, or those lacking the means to migrate.Allah mentions in Surah An-Nisā’ (4:98-99):
"Except for the oppressed among men, women, and children who cannot devise a plan nor are they directed to a way – for those it is expected that Allah will pardon them, and Allah is ever Pardoning and Forgiving."• What did the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and scholars say about Hijrah?
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"I am free from every Muslim who lives among the polytheists."
This Hadith emphasizes the importance of Muslims not residing in lands where they cannot openly practice their faith.Scholars have agreed that if a Muslim is unable to practice their religion and fears for their faith, Hijrah becomes obligatory. However, if they can fulfill their religious duties without restriction, Hijrah is not obligatory but recommended.• How should Muslims in non-Muslim countries assess their situation regarding Hijrah?
Muslims should evaluate the following:
* Their ability to practice Islam openly.
* The presence of a supportive Muslim community.
* The level of religious freedom and absence of oppression.
If they can genuinely maintain their faith and fulfill their obligations without significant hindrance, Hijrah is likely not obligatory, but may still be beneficial.• Can Muslims contribute positively to non-Muslim societies without performing Hijrah?
Yes, if Muslims can practice their faith freely, they can contribute positively to society, engage in Dawah (inviting others to Islam), and uphold Islamic values, serving as ambassadors of Islam while maintaining their religious integrity.• What if I can’t afford to make Hijrah?
Hijrah isn’t something related to cost, as much as it is to one’s intention. Where there is a will, there’s a way. When the intention is to make Hijrah for the sake of Allah, there are many options around the world, and many of them are very low-cost, though they may not be so luxurious.• How can I make Hijrah if Muslim countries don’t offer permanent citizenship?
Hijrah doesn’t require one to have citizenship, it may be that you make Hijrah to one place and some years later you make Hijrah again to another place. However, there are many countries which offer citizenship programmes, and others which will allow you to stay long term without requiring such permits, you just have to explore the options.• What about my family and friends?
Any family of yours which is Muslim should also be invited to make Hijrah, and you can make efforts to take those with you whom you’re responsible for. In the case of parents who are settled, you can invite them with you if possible, but otherwise return to serve them whenever there is a need, unless of course they require your permanent help and presence, in which case you would likely be from the exceptional cases. You can always come back to visit other relatives and friends, but your Hijrah location should be your main residence where you live, work, and raise your family.• I don’t have children nor am I even married, should I consider Hijrah?
Yes! The best time to prepare is now, before the responsibilities of a family weigh down on you and it becomes harder to make a move. Though you may not need to move immediately, you can start to set things up by gaining skills, experience, and money which you can use in a Muslim country to get a job, set up a business, or purchase a property, for example. Further, you will definitely realise the need for Hijrah when you have children and have to start considering their education and environment!• Which country is best to make Hijrah to?
This depends on your personal circumstances, including your ethnic background, nationality, the languages you speak, your qualifications, and your wealth, as well as other factors like your tolerance for different cultures, weather, levels of comfort, and distance from your current location. However, we have some top picks which are good options that you can see in our posts.• Which are your top country picks for Hijrah?
From West to East: Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, Malaysia. Why? Due to the ease for people from different backgrounds to move to these places as long as they meet even minimal criteria, and the options to enter are many. We even have trips to help you explore some of these for Hijrah! Yes, these countries are not perfect - no country is - but the land of Allah is vast for you to emigrate therein.
[Quran: 4:97]• Who will give dawah to the non-Muslims if we all make Hijrah?
We don’t expect every single individual to make Hijrah, nor will that ever happen (unless they’re forced out). The point is to encourage the majority of Muslims to make Hijrah, which will help those who would otherwise go astray from their Deen amongst the non-Muslims. Those who consciously stay should only be from those genuinely unable to make Hijrah (“Except the weak ones among men, women, and children who cannot devise a plan, nor are they able to direct their way.” [Quran: An-Nisā’ 4:98] The only other category of those who stay should be those educated in Islam, able to protect themselves and their families from doubts and desires, and actively giving dawah to non-Muslims.
& answers
• My parents or grandparents contributed to this country through fighting their wars or paying taxes—why should I leave now?
This argument is like the sunk cost fallacy—thinking that “just because I’ve invested a certain amount, even if the ship is sinking, I must stay to try to save it.” If it’s a matter of our parents’ or grandparents’ contributions, that’s not even our investment—it’s theirs. They usually did it to give themselves and their children a better life. So shouldn’t you do the same by making Hijrah, which will give your family a better life and, more importantly, a better afterlife by preserving their religion?• I can preserve my religion in the West/a non-Muslim country. Should I still make Hijrah?
Maybe you can, and maybe you have the knowledge and strength—but what about your family? What about your grandchildren and the rest of your lineage? Would you want to find out on the Day of Judgement that a couple of generations after yours, your descendants apostatized from Islam because the environment they grew up in—which you left them in—was not conducive to their Islam?• Shouldn’t I balance my Deen and Dunya, and take my portion of Dunya?
We expect and want the non-Muslims to give up their religion, family, habits, and worldly pleasures to become Muslim, but we can’t give up just some of our worldly pleasures (Dunya!) to make Hijrah for the sake of Allah? Allah doesn’t require us to give up the Dunya completely—we should take our portion of it [Quran 28:77]; but not at the cost of losing our Akhirah—by losing our religion, watering it down, and compromising our values, which is expected from most of us in non-Muslim lands. Remember, if you chase the dunya only, you will “fear poverty” constantly (Hadith: Ibn Maajah 4105).• I have a good job, qualifications/education, or business that I’m settled with here in a non-Muslim country—why should I leave?
That’s all the more reason to leave, because you have more ability to do so! Imagine if most of the Muslims who are educated, experienced, and wealthy moved to Muslim countries where they could use those skills to benefit other Muslims, build up the Muslim lands, all while safeguarding their religion in a land where they’re the majority.• Who should not make Hijrah?
Those who are unable to do so, such as those who have to care for parents receiving medical treatments tied to a certain non-Muslim country, or those whose children are legally required to stay in the country after a divorce, meaning they must stay to be present in their children’s lives. Another category includes those for whom moving to non-Muslim lands was allowed by some scholars—those who are knowledgeable and strong enough spiritually to give dawah to non-Muslims and can do so without restrictions. Exceptional situations like these would be exempt.• People have varying wealth classes - why should they do Hijrah?
True, there are usually three main classes of wealth in non-Muslim countries, especially developed Western ones from which we primarily advocate Muslims to make Hijrah.First: the lower class, who receive welfare benefits and credits from the government, including housing, living expenses, medical care, education, and/or childcare. This class may benefit in the short term but, long term, they have little control over their children and lack the mobility to improve their situation. Additionally, this lifestyle is not ideal for a Muslim. The housing, education, and healthcare provided are often of low quality. Instead, these Muslims could survive with a similar income in a less expensive Muslim country, where they would have more freedom and disposable income—especially if they work. It’s understandable if this group doesn’t make Hijrah, but those with strong intentions and genuine concern still can, and we ask Allah to grant tawfiq to them and all Muslims.Second: the middle class. This is the largest group and should have the most incentive to make Hijrah. Beyond religious reasons, even in worldly matters, they are losing out and could fare better in a Muslim land. They are the ones working long, hard jobs, having gained education or qualifications to fit into the system, only to pay heavy taxes—often exorbitant ones—that sustain these systems. The same qualifications and education could be used in a Muslim land to earn more, be taxed less, and achieve a better standard of living, along with a more conducive religious environment for themselves and their children. Importantly, they could gain more time to focus on their Deen, which wage-slave economies do not allow, as they only value you for how you contribute to their economy and tax system.Third: the upper class, typically the smallest group, yet they hold the most wealth—comprising business owners, high-level professionals, property owners, politicians, and so on. These Muslims have the most power and the easiest path to make Hijrah, as more countries are open to them. Even with their wealth and worldly success, they could establish themselves even better in low-tax, Muslim-friendly countries with favorable tax incentives. These individuals have the potential to build institutions, schools, hospitals, and companies that provide jobs for Muslims and improve conditions in Muslim lands—facilitating Hijrah for the middle and lower classes too. At this level, it becomes a question of Hijrah vs. Dunya.• I have concerns about financial, business, or work opportunities in most Muslim countries.
The biggest reason families who move from the West to Muslim countries decide to return is, without a doubt, financial. Unfortunately, many Muslim countries face economic hardships with limited opportunities for their own citizens, let alone for immigrants or expats. Widespread unemployment is a significant issue. The few wealthy Muslim countries, such as those in the Gulf, often have strict and complex immigration and visa rules. Most people who desire to make Hijrah are unprepared for the financial hardships that await them.So yes, it’s beneficial for expats who already have work or earning opportunities, those who bring wealth to build projects, start businesses, or secure good jobs where they can contribute their skills. Similarly, Muslims who work online or own businesses abroad can bring their income to Muslim lands to invest and live comfortably.However, it can be challenging for those who lack skills, wealth, or business abilities to settle in poorer Muslim countries with limited opportunities. For those in that situation, wealthier Gulf countries or other Muslim nations that provide employment options may be better choices. Regardless, relying solely on government benefits, handouts, or low-level jobs while remaining in the West comes with its own risks—especially for one’s Deen and family in the long run. It’s crucial to find a way to level up financially and make an exit plan.Even if it means saving enough money from a regular job to buy or rent a home in a Muslim country and commuting back and forth for work in the West, this can be a stepping stone. Alternatively, saving enough to make a permanent move by establishing a base in a Muslim land—where even without significant earning power, you could rent out your property or generate modest income—can allow for a more stable life while preserving your religion and values.
allah's vast earth
Country guide
Scroll through our list for overviews of some Muslim countries, or click below to see our eBook previews! This is currently in the works and will be added soon, InShaAllah. You can click below to go our Instagram discussion of countries.

hijrah, or dunya?
financial options
Dunya holds many people back from making Hijrah, but you don’t need extreme wealth to obey Allah’s command. Rizq comes in many forms, not just money, and Allah provides in ways you can't fathom.Be sincere in making Hijrah for Allah - seek a good life, and don’t let love for wealth or luxury stop you - Hijrah is achievable whether on a budget or with abundance.
Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani is a Khateeb, qualified counsellor and Islamic psychology coach with a wealth of Hijrah experience from living in and travelling the Muslim world for 2 decades. Join his Alpha Men Group or Book him at Positive Islamic Psychology Coaching for direct help with how you can finance your Hijrah given your personal circumstances, including which locations fit your budget and needs.Make Hijrah: This organisation has a list of services and extensive resources explaining Hijrah, it's benefits and the different countries or options available to Muslims depending on their budget. You can purchase their Hijrah Handbook to learn more too.Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah (AMAU) publishes beneficial content to help manage your life as a Muslim in the modern age with the correct balance of Dunya-investment, with Self-Development courses on topics relevant to Hijrah, like how to Deal with the Dunya, Increase your Rizq, Navigate the Workplace, Master the Art of Sales, Travel according to the Sunnah and just Get things Done.Dr Asif Munaf runs the Model Muslim Community where brothers can learn how excel in mindset, muscle, money, and marriage. This beneficial community provides great support in helping you get the right mindset and making halal income for Hijrah.Further Recommendations:
- The Front Row: If you're a Muslim Man who wants unique mentorship, to take his Deen & Dunya impact to the next level.
- Righteous & Rich: For Muslims who want to excel in their finances and business, without compromising in their religion.
- Madinah College: Often holds free events alongside their courses helping Muslims with topics like Making Halal Money.
east-west crossroads
try out türkiye
Türkiye offers a unique balance of natural beauty, affordability, and strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East. However, migrating to Türkiye requires careful consideration, as it is not without challenges. Many move with unrealistic expectations shaped by media, overlooking the country’s political, economic, and social complexities.Despite these challenges, Türkiye stands out for its affordability, mild climate, and strong Islamic identity, making it an attractive option for Muslims seeking a better lifestyle. Flights to and from Europe and the Middle East are affordable, health benefits and fresh produce are superior to many Western and Gulf nations, and the cost of living allows many families to thrive without dual incomes.Migration to Türkiye should be viewed as a commitment—not just for personal gain but to contribute positively to the local Muslim community. While it presents opportunities for dawah and islah, success often requires patience, language adaptation, and realistic expectations. With its welcoming people, rich Islamic heritage, and supportive environment for online earners, Türkiye can be a strong choice for Hijrah—but only with sincere reflection and readiness for the realities it brings.
southeast asia's hub
Malaysia is a top choice for those seeking affordable luxury, safety, and a multicultural environment with first-class amenities. Cities like Kuala Lumpur stand out for their convenience, excellent healthcare, and high quality of life. English is widely spoken, making daily life seamless for expats. The cost of living is low compared to Western and Gulf countries, allowing many families to thrive with a single income or remote work.As a Muslim-majority country, Malaysia offers a welcoming environment where Islamic values are respected and openly practiced. Mosques are abundant, and Islamic teaching programs, Qur'an classes, and community gatherings are readily available in most cities. Practicing Muslims can live in a supportive society where modest dress, prayer, and religious observance are part of everyday life.For those who enjoy tropical weather, Asian cuisine, and family-friendly spaces, Malaysia is an ideal destination. The country’s halal-friendly lifestyle, community parks, and accessible medical care make it perfect for raising children. Additionally, tourists and expats are generally treated fairly, with prices for goods and services matching what locals pay—fostering a sense of trust and inclusivity.Malaysia’s strong family culture, thriving Islamic community, affordable private healthcare, and access to international hubs make it an excellent option for those prioritizing comfort, religious freedom, and a vibrant Muslim lifestyle.
everyone's favourite
explore the united arab emirates
The UAE stands out as one of the best options globally for those seeking safety, luxury, and a high quality of life. Cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer world-class infrastructure, zero income tax for most, and a supportive environment for both business and family life. With strict laws, low crime rates, and a community-oriented culture, the UAE provides a secure and peaceful setting where women can walk safely at night and families can thrive.As a Muslim-friendly country, mosques are abundant with clean ablution facilities, and the Adhaan echoes throughout the cities. Prayer facilities are easily accessible, and Islamic education programs for children and adults are readily available. The UAE balances dunya and Deen, with halal-friendly options, Islamic fitness classes, and respected religious teachers offering guidance.
Beyond religious benefits, the UAE excels in convenience and lifestyle—with clean public transport, affordable private taxis, world-class gyms, and healthy dining options. Expats benefit from the tax-free income, high-speed internet, luxury shopping, and modern healthcare. While living costs, especially school fees and real estate, can be high, the value for money remains competitive compared to major Western cities.For those looking for quieter, family-friendly areas, Fujairah, Khorfakkan, and Sharjah offer more affordable living and closer-knit communities. Whether you seek business growth, career opportunities, or a peaceful family life, the UAE’s exceptional infrastructure, warm climate, and proximity to major global hubs make it an ideal destination for Hijrah—especially for those prepared to embrace its unique advantages and responsibilities.